What I’m Doing This Year Instead of A New Year’s Resolution

I have always been a fan of New Year’s resolutions. They’re certainly not my only plan for improving my life, but hey! They’re a good excuse. However, I’ve noticed some less-than-ideal patterns in my resolutions over the years: 

  • Saying I’ll do something every day for a whole year is a little intimidating; therefore, my motivation disperses pretty quickly if I miss some days in January.

  • I pick too many resolutions at once.

  • I need more consistent check-ins and challenges for myself.

If you’re anything like me, read on to find a way around these New Year’s Resolutions hang-ups.

A New Year’s Resolution Alternative

What if, instead of feeling defeated at the end of January, you had already accomplished your goal? This year, my New Year’s Resolution is setting a monthly goal. Think about it: 

  • It’s bite-sized.

  • You get to complete 12 resolutions in one year, one at a time.

  • You have regular opportunities for re-evaluation. 

That takes care of all those hang-ups we just discussed. Not only that, but you can set yourself up for success by setting a very achievable goal to start out with - think about a lapsed habit that just needs a little nudging to get back in place. Then, with a win under your belt, you can set the bar a little higher the next month. 

To use mine as an example, I am re-establishing my morning wake-up time. I had some success with this during Advent, but it got a little knocked off-kilter during the Christmas season. I am even knocking back the time gradually, after a very dazed first couple over-zealous attempts. Resolutions don’t always have to be all-or-nothing.

Monthly Goal Check-in

This reflection piece is key. Did you fail miserably at this goal? Good! Admit that to yourself and analyze it. Did you knock that resolution out of the park? Good! Analyze what made it successful and bring those skills into your next challenge. 

Taking the time to reflect and set new goals is certainly the most difficult part of this venture for me. That is why I am putting it in my calendar and setting a reminder in my phone. Think of it like any other appointment or meeting, and show up for it! You’re your own boss, and your goals are going to be life-changing! (I need this pep-talk as much as anyone!)

Need a little help staying organized and motivated? I’ve got you! Check out my Digital Download printable Goals Planning Sheet and Goals Reflection Sheet in my shop. You can hang the sheets on your fridge, or anywhere else where you need that visual to motivate you.